Sure enough the controversy evolved and sure enough a court case is now brewing...and loop has been closed.
Question is...did the frontal photo show the distance between Sania's feet and the flag? Question is...did Sania deliberately insult the TRICOLOR? Question is... even if we make the absurd assumption that she intends to disregard the nation, is Sania so foolish that she will do so in full glare and damage her own credos, risk her own career, even her financial prospects? Question is... was there no other photograph available of Sania watching a match at the Hopman cup?
The answers are so obvious that stating them would be a blemish on my judgement of the reader's intellect. Fact is SANIA HAS BEEN CARELESS... being careless in serious matters is not commendable and dignity of the Tricolor is serious matter. But, wouldn't it have been enough to point this incident out to some person in authority, who could have conveyed the message privately, strongly worded of course, to Sania. Or maybe it would have been enough to point it out quietly to Sania herself and let her absorb the magnitude of her carelessness.
Instead, by publishing the photo, the media has shown an absolutely commercial and profit driven interest in fanning controversies. It doesn't reflect of responsibility... a trait, without which, media in a free country like ours can become a Monster. A country where murder and rape cases are held up for years for lack of court time, can we afford to keep our courts busy on these issues?
Sania's carelessness stands condemned but so does this tendency of ours to fan controversies and bask in them. Our present growth in stature as a Nation demands greater maturity from us.
Questions needs to be asked and answered, because more we linger on as gossip mongers...more the world leaves us behind...
Questions needs to be asked and answered, because more we linger on as gossip mongers...more the world leaves us behind...