What positives will this government take away at the end of the tenure? True it has done charity with tax-payers' money and waived off 71K Crores of farm loans and taken out half page ads in dailies claiming self glory for this generosity. Yet, the obvious premise of this waiver , that to reduce prices of farm products have not been delivered and no retrospection has been done to know the reason. At the end of the exercise it has established what it was always perceived as – a poll oriented gimmick. Only achievement of this government that comes to mind is the Nuclear Treaty with all its supporters and detractors. Considering the best, maybe this treaty will be a landmark which our grandchildren will cherish and Mr.. Manmohan Singh will have his place in posterity, but before that someone should stay alive to write the history. Brings to mind a decade old headline – PRESENT IMPERFECT, FUTURE TENSE – really that is where the present government has landed us in.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
From mundane prices to protection of lives...story of a failed populace
What positives will this government take away at the end of the tenure? True it has done charity with tax-payers' money and waived off 71K Crores of farm loans and taken out half page ads in dailies claiming self glory for this generosity. Yet, the obvious premise of this waiver , that to reduce prices of farm products have not been delivered and no retrospection has been done to know the reason. At the end of the exercise it has established what it was always perceived as – a poll oriented gimmick. Only achievement of this government that comes to mind is the Nuclear Treaty with all its supporters and detractors. Considering the best, maybe this treaty will be a landmark which our grandchildren will cherish and Mr.. Manmohan Singh will have his place in posterity, but before that someone should stay alive to write the history. Brings to mind a decade old headline – PRESENT IMPERFECT, FUTURE TENSE – really that is where the present government has landed us in.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Protecting the weaker sections ???
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Beauty in Simplicity....thats poetry (for me) !
How I like my poetry….
Poetry in its forms has remained mostly elusive to my attempts to comprehend and pro-create. However, as a medium it appeals to my soul like few. Verse, simply by its form and rhythm, seems that much more powerful as a tool to communicate one’s innermost feelings to an otherwise disinterested public. Not to justify my naievity, I always found poems communicating simple human feelings in an aesthetic but straight forward manner more appealing than a comparatively abstract verse elaborating on the intricacies of a complex relationship or ideology. I know, contemporary true blue poets would bay for my blood at this, but I always found abstract form more suitable to the visual arts like painting while as per me grave discussions merit less imaginative practical prose rather than rhyme, just so that the matter at hand is dealt with practically without the distraction of the beauty that poetry carries. Poetry is the beautiful medium meant to convey significant yet simple manifestations like love, protest and grief. Its more a matter of heart than of the brain. A poem too cerebral in content tends to wean away from the simple pleasure of reading through. I would prefer a poem to be more like a highway – wide of scope, bridging diverse audiences and offering a cruise to the willing reader. I have been told that the form of poetry praised by me is immature. Well, I never found anything immature about a hearty laugh, a warm smile, a heartwrenching sob or a resounding slogan and all these qualify as potential poetry only waiting to be expressed in form. "ful futuk, na futuk, aj bosonto" (an excerpt from a bengali poem, crudely translated to - 'whether flowers bloom or not, its spring today') - this favourite line of mine carries thru the message of how simplicity adds to the beauty of poetry. Poetry lends aesthetic value to protest, which in itself is a distinguishing quality. However, again poetry should convey the message in a way that it is delivered to the inner most of the reader and makes the reader contemplate on the message itself rather than on the medium. All this talk of simple beauty does not in any way imply the non-application of imagination. Imagination in creating imagery is a poetic skill that makes poetry a beautiful medium of expression. For me, though I am no expert, all the above would make a poetry meaningful yet beautiful and this would extend its appeal to the most diverse of minds.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Why I blog....a critique of the blogger in me
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Tricolor, Sania...and irresponsible journalism
Instead, by publishing the photo, the media has shown an absolutely commercial and profit driven interest in fanning controversies. It doesn't reflect of responsibility... a trait, without which, media in a free country like ours can become a Monster. A country where murder and rape cases are held up for years for lack of court time, can we afford to keep our courts busy on these issues?
Questions needs to be asked and answered, because more we linger on as gossip mongers...more the world leaves us behind...